QUEENS OF THE STONE AGE: 'I Appear Missing' Animated Video Released

May 6, 2013

Following the cryptic surfacing of the LikeClockwork.tv and its hazy semi-clues and last night's Adult Swim ad, QUEENS OF THE STONE AGE have unveiled a trailer scored by three minutes of the never-before-heard "I Appear Missing", which appears in its entirety on the band's upcoming "...Like Clockwork" album, due out June 4 on Matador Records.

Showcasing disturbingly beautiful (or beautifully disturbing?) images from the boundless imagination of "...Like Clockwork" visual visionary, enigmatic U.K. artist Boneface (brought to life by animator Liam Brazier),"I Appear Missing" is a hypnotic journey into a nightmare-scape that adds illustrative dimension to another audio glimpse of the coming storm that is "...Like Clockwork".

Described by QUEENS principal Joshua Homme as "an audio documentary of a manic year," "...Like Clockwork" is the band¹s first full-length collection of all new material since 2007's "Era Vulgaris", as well as its debut release on new label partner Matador. The record can be pre-ordered on CD and vinyl. iTunes pre-orders will immediately receive "My God Is The Sun", which has been generating some early heat.

"…Like Clockwork" features guest appearances from Trent Reznor, Dave Grohl and other luminaries, including the legendary Elton John. The Pulse Of Radio asked QUEENS frontman Josh Homme how he snagged the iconic singer/songwriter to play on the record. "It actually stemmed from an old roommate of mine, who drives really high-end folks around now, and Elton was in the car listening to THEM CROOKED VULTURES, I guess," he said. "And his assistant was saying, 'Oh, you've got to hear QUEENS, the other band of this guy,' you know. And because my old roommate was driving the car, it was like, 'Do you want to talk to him?' And I just got a phone call at my house on a Sunday. You know, he said, 'The only thing missing from your band is an actual queen,' and I said, 'Honey, you have no idea.'"

The track that Elton plays on is called "Fairweather Friend".

Although it was initially reported that Dave Grohl played all the drum tracks on the new CD, Grohl only appears on selected songs. The rest of the drums are handled by Joey Castillo and Jon Theodore.

Other guests on the record include SCISSOR SISTERS singer Jake Shears, ARCTIC MONKEYS frontman Alex Turner and one-time QUEENS OF THE STONE AGE members Mark Lanegan and Nick Oliveri.

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